Sometimes simplicity can mean great design and great design should always mean great function.
Take this simple shaker style cherry kitchen below.
Clean square lines, calming colors and seemingly modest.
However, once you settle in and take notice you may find that this kitchen is ADA compliant, meaning it allows usable space within the kitchen for wheelchair access and encourages participation.
For example, below the cooktop; the cabinet doors open up and pocket back within the space to allow for chair space
Shown again here at the sink area, the doors will pocket back within the cabinet.
Notice how the backs of the cabinetry also protect the client's legs from any heat sources
Island prepping
At first glance you may think, "oh what a nice, simple kitchen" but sometimes the most modest kitchens can perform the best
Major kudos to the builder Johnson Building Company who made the "BEFORE" below, turn into a better functioning kitchen for a well deserved client.
If you are looking to change your space to welcome a family member who may be living in a wheelchair, or simply 'aging in place', contact the specialists like Johnson Building Company, who know how to help.